29 research outputs found

    Mali grad

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    The in depth archaeological research of High Medieval castle presented in this book is unique in Slovenia and among just few in this part of Central Europe. The book is based on analysis of the archaeological data gathered in more than a decade of archaeological excavations in 1980s and 1990s.In the introductory chapter written sources and interpretative models are presented. The analysis of pictorial representations follows. The focus of the research is on the archaeological sources, though. Above all the analysis of the small finds, stratigraphy and spatial analysis of the castle itself and the castle in the landscape should be mentioned.Knjiga je prva znanstvena monografija o arheologiji visoko srednjeveškega gradu v Sloveniji in se uvršča med le peščico tovrstnih knjig v širšem prostoru. Monografija sloni predvsem na analizi podatkov iz desetletja arheoloških izkopavanj v 80. in 90. letih 20. stoletja. V začetnem delu so predstavljeni pisni viri in interpretativni modeli v zvezi z nastankom in pomenom gradu. Sledi prikaz maloštevilnih, a nikakor ne nepomembnih slikovnih virov. Glavnino študije predstavljajo arheološki viri, predvsem priročniško uporabna tipokronološka analiza artefaktov, stratigrafija najdišča in prostorska analiza gradu

    ChatGPT v Bard v Bing v Claude 2 v Aria v human-expert. How good are AI chatbots at scientific writing? (ver. 23Q3)

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    Historically, proficient writing was deemed essential for human advancement, with creative expression viewed as one of the hallmarks of human achievement. However, recent advances in generative AI have marked an inflection point in this narrative, including for scientific writing. This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the capabilities and limitations of six AI chatbots in scholarly writing in the humanities and archaeology. The methodology was based on tagging AI generated content for quantitative accuracy and qualitative precision by human experts. Quantitative accuracy assessed the factual correctness, while qualitative precision gauged the scientific contribution. While the AI chatbots, especially ChatGPT-4, demonstrated proficiency in recombining existing knowledge, they failed in generating original scientific content. As a side note, our results also suggest that with ChatGPT-4 the size of the LLMs has plateaued. Furthermore, the paper underscores the intricate and recursive nature of human research. This process of transforming raw data into refined knowledge is computationally irreducible, which highlights the challenges AI chatbots face in emulating human originality in scientific writing. In conclusion, while large language models have revolutionised content generation, their ability to produce original scientific contributions in the humanities remains limited. We expect that this will change in the near future with the evolution of current LLM-based AI chatbots towards LLM-powered software.Comment: Non-peer reviewed preprint. Includes Graphical abstract, 8 Figures. Appendices are linked and deposited at Zenod

    Uporaba modelov reliefa pridobljenih z lidarskim snemanjem v arheološki topografiji Študijski primer Kobariške

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    The aim of this article is to evaluate the extent and nature of the new archaeological information that can be extracted from lidar-derived high-resolution relief models. The lidar data from the Kobarid region (Slovenia) derives from 2007 and has been used in the form of a relief model with a halfmetre grid. The availability of excellent archaeological data gathered in the publicly available databases (ARKAS, RNKD) has been of equal importance for this article. The focus of the article is the presentation of seventeen archaeological sites, six find-spots and three off-site complexes. The previously known data are presented separately from the lidar-derived information in order to enable the reader to reach objective conclusions regarding the importance of lidar-derived data. This is followed by a case study on the settlements from the Late Antiquity period focusing on the endorsed methods of the lidar-derived data use. Although no new archaeological sites (from periods until the Early Middle Ages) have been discovered, a large amount of new data pertaining to the off-site archaeology has been gathered.V prispevku smo ovrednotili uporabnost visoko ločljivega digitalnega modela reliefa, ki je bil pridobljen z lidarskim snemanjem v kobariški mikroregiji, kjer je bilo lidarsko snemanje narejeno leta 2007. Za pričujoči prispevek so enako pomembni tudi odlični arheološki podatki, ki smo jih črpali iz obstoječih podatkovnih zbirk (ARKAS, RNKD). V jedru prispevka predstavljamo sedemnajst registriranih arheoloških najdišč, šest najdišč s posamičnimi najdbami in tri sklope zunajnajdiščnih arheoloških podatkov. Ločeno so predstavljeni že znani arheološki podatki in novi podatki, ki smo jih pridobili iz modela reliefa. Tako si lahko bralec ustvari objektivno sliko o pomenu lidarskih podatkov. V nadaljevanju je predstavljen kratek študijski primer poznoantičnih naselbin, v katerem skušamo predstaviti različne načine uporabe lidarskih podatkov. V tej raziskavi nismo odkrili novih arheoloških najdišč (iz obdobij do zgodnjega srednjega veka), smo pa dokumentirali ogromno količino zunajnajdiščnih podatkov

    Executable Map Paper (EMaP) for Archaeological LiDAR

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    Archaeological LiDAR has evolved into an indispensable component of archaeological prospection and landscape archaeology. However, it is frequently employed as a black-box digital method, which confines it to the realm of a specialized field. Making scientific publications more accessible, transparent, and reproducible is one of the steps required to turn LiDAR into a background method for all archaeologists. This is possible, according to our proposal, through the Executable Map Paper concept. This concept can be understood as a type of executable paper that pursues Open Science’s goals. The proposed technical solution consists of a PDF frontend, a persistence layer, and a hyperlinked interactive map. Executable Map Paper is applicable to all map-dependent sciences, including geography, geology, and any geoscience. In this paper, we outline the theoretical context, propose technical solutions, and provide a practical illustration

    Assessing the intentionality of spatial organization. Cemetery of Župna Cerkev (Kranj, Slovenia) case study

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    Osnovni namen prispevka je poudariti pomen prostorske analize grobišč z orodji prostorske statistike. Naš pristop temelji na kombinaciji analize vzorca točkovne razmestitve ene spremenljivke (t. i. Ripleyjeva K-funkcija) z izborom tistih orodij prostorske statistike, ki upoštevajo vrednosti globalne in lokalne avtokorelacije. Uporabnost teh orodij v kontekstu arheoloških analiz grobišč smo preizkusili na primeru srednjeveškega grobišča Župna cerkev v Kranju. Natančneje, preverili smo, ali je prostorska ureditev grobišča naključna, in če ne, ali je namerna. Prepoznali smo namerno, kronološko dinamično izbiro prostora pokopavanja.This article is focused on highlighting the importance of assessing spatial patterns in archaeological analyses of cemeteries through a statistically driven approach. It is based on the combination of Ripley’s K-Function and selected geostatistical tools that take into consideration the values of global and local autocorrelation. Their feasibility in funerary contexts is demonstrated on the mediaeval cemetery of Župna Cerkev in Kranj (Slovenia). The case study was used to test whether the spatial distribution of graves is non-random and, if so, whether it is intentional. The methods used made it possible to recognize an intentional, chronologically driven choice in grave placement

    Sporočila prostora

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    Knjiga z bogastvom vizualnega gradiva na zanimiv način kaže spregledane vrednote in zgodovinske principe urejanja prostora, ki so po padcu modernih in postmodernih ideologij ključni za reševanje problemov in razvoj sodobne arhitekture. V njej so prikazane prostorske rešitve in načela, ki so jih uporabljali že naši predniki in ki so najbolj jasno vidni iz vzorcev poselitve. Gre za tisto razumevanje prostora, ki se je stoletja kristaliziralo skozi izkušnjo več generacij in ki nikakor ni zastarelo ali preživelo. Prilagojeno je prvinski človekovi dojemljivosti, zato tudi v informacijski dobi pomeni ključno informacijo, še več – orientacijo. Knjiga ustvarjalnemu bralcu daje dovolj nastavkov tudi za povsem samostojne rešitve. Delo s svojo zgradbo in vsebino zato predstavlja ključ za samostojno odkrivanje starih načel urejanja in prostorskih struktur

    The Late Medieval and Early Post-Medieval site of Župnijski dom in Šentvid pri Stični. Analysis of the pottery and animal remains

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    V prispevku so predstavljeni izsledki arheoloških izkopavanj na najdišču Župnijski dom v Šentvidu pri Stični, kjer je bil dokumentiran arheološki zapis iz srednjega in novega veka. Za širšo arheološko sliko so pomembni sicer skromni sledovi zgodnje- in visokosrednjeveške poselitve. Glavnina najdb (17.284 odlomkov lončenine) sodi v pozni srednji oziroma zgodnji novi vek, ki sta med slabše raziskanimi področji v slovenski arheologiji. Analiza tega gradiva (tipologija lončenine in analiza namiznega posodja) daje najdišču posebno mesto v slovenski arheologiji kot izhodišče za temeljne raziskave tega obdobja.This paper presents the findings of archaeological excavations at Župnijski dom in Šentvid pri Stični, where Medieval and Post-Medieval archaeological finds were discovered. The otherwise modest remains of the Early and High Medieval settlement are significant archaeologically. Most of the finds (17,284 pottery fragments) belong to the Late Medieval or Early Post-Medieval periods, which are amongst the least researched periods in Slovenian archaeology. The analysis of these finds (pottery typology and tableware analysis), therefore makes the site particularly significant in Slovenian archaeology, because it can serve as a starting point for further research into these periods

    Srednjeveški Blejski otok v arheoloških virih

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    International audienceThe book Medieval Archaeology of Bled Island is presenting the results of a state-of-the-art archaeological analysis of data from archaeological excavations of the 1962 and 1964.Polona Bitenc and Timotej Knific analysed of the archaeology of material culture, while Benjamin Štular focused on the archaeology of individuals and communities. The very poor state of preservation of the bone archive meant that an anthropological analysis could not be included on an equal footing with archaeological data in the process of interpreting the site (Leben Seljak). A broader perspective follows, placing the new findings are placed in the context of the archaeological landscape of the Bled micro-region (Pleterski). Important for the book are the results of the excavations near the village of Bodešče (Modrijan).Two key scientific questions were asked in the book: Did a pre-Christian sanctuary exist on Bled Island? What was the chronology of the churches?From this it can be concluded that the supra-local object of pre-Christian worship on Bled Island was a spring. Judging by the analogies from written sources, the spring was surrounded by a grove or at least lay in the shade of a tree. Ritually connected with the spring was a nearby place marked with a rock. There is no direct archaeological data on when this situation was established, but it can be assumed with reasonable certainty that this part of the Bled Island was already of special importance in prehistoric times.At the beginning of the 10th century, a small community began to bury their dead on the island. The original organization of the cemetery symbolically connected it with the spring, which was worshipped on the island, and with the central location of the the Early Medieval burial landscape, the Višelnica bonfire site. The locations for the burials of the first generation were carefully chosen near the fireplace, where the fire burned for at least part of the funerals. The following three generations buried their dead according to changed rules: the graves were arranged in rows, some were oriented towards the true East thus exhibiting considerable astronomical knowledge and. The last grave in this cemetery was dug in the first decade of the 11th century, and its orientation corresponded to the orientation of the first church.In the first decade of the 11th century, probably after the formal acquisition of the property by the bishops of Brixen in 1004, a small wooden church was built on the island, dedicated to St. Mary of the Assumption was built on the island. A burial under the threshold, the guardian of the entrance, offered the church symbolic protection. Despite the apparent modesty of the church, some state-of-the-art architectural and astronomical knowledge for the time were incorporated into the construction of the church. After only a few decades, the original wooden church was demolished and replaced by a somewhat larger and finer building. This church was also protected by the guardian of the entrance. To the west of the church, in the shadow of the sunrise on the day of the Assumption, a very small community of mixed gender and age began to bury their dead. The community was orthodox and conservative, which is reflected in the strict observance of the same rules for Christian burial for almost two centuries. These characteristics, together with the exceptional location of the cemetery on the island, place this community within the circle of persons belonging to the administrative and defensive apparatus of the Bishops of Brixen.After almost a hundred years, perhaps in the second decade of the 12th century, the wooden church was demolished and construction of a new stone church began. This was a relatively ambitious Romanesque architecture which completely changed Bled Island its appearance: what was an island with a small church near a spring in a grove became a church on an island. Immediately east of the altar of the new church, in the holiest place in the Christian world (usually reserved for saints or at least bishops), a non adult person was buried. The continuity with the old church was reflected in the burial of the third guardian of the entrance and the other burials west of the church.The archaeological data agree well with the historians' interpretations, which refer to the deed of donation of 1004 and the consecration of a church in 1142. However, it is worth noting that an excellent degree of congruity between archaeological and historical interpretations does not make any of them more solid. Since these interpretations are based on completely different sources, they remain separate, each only as solid as the arguments that support it.Pričujoča knjiga je nastala z namenom, da odgovori na vprašanje: ali je v arheoloških virih izpričano predkrščansko svetišče na Blejskem otoku? Blejski otok je imel poseben pomen za vsako lokalno skupnost, ki je kadarkoli živela ob Blejskem jezeru. Pisanje J. V. Valvasorja in A. T. Linharta je sloves otoka poneslo širše, dokončno pa ga je usidral v kulturno zavest Slovencev France Prešeren, ki je na otok v pesmi Krst pri Savici postavil Živin hram.Arheologija, kot vsaka znanost, zahteva kompleksen pristop. V knjigi je predstavljena arheološka analiza dokumentacije izkopavanj, ki so bila na Blejskem otoku med letoma 1962 in 1965. Takrat je pod vodstvom Vinka Šribarja ekipa Narodnega muzeja Slovenije raziskali grobišče in ostanke cerkvenih zidov iz srednjega veka. Najdišče je eno od številnih v blejski mikro-regiji, a je kot kraj – otok na jezeru – posebnost med najdišči v Sloveniji.Obsežno nalogo smo si razdelili sodelavci ZRC SAZU in Narodnega muzeja Slovenije na analizo grobišča (Knific, Bitenc) in stratigrafsko ter stavbno analizo (Štular). Analizi sta nastajali vzporedno in neodvisno druga od druge, a delitev nalog se je izkazala za neizvedljivo. Zaradi prepletanja virov smo vsi raziskovali vse. Končna izdelka smo nameravali združiti v homogeno celoto. Vendar se je kmalu pokazalo, da so podvajanja prej izjema kot pravilo, bogastvo različnih pristopov pa neizmerno. Zato sta oba dela predstavljena neokrnjena, uporabljata pa seveda enoten znanstveni aparat: katalog grobov, table predmetov, reprodukcije izvirne dokumentacije.Zaradi izjemno slabega stanja arhiva kostnega gradiva antropološke analize ni bilo mogoče enakovredno vključiti v proces interpretacije najdišča. Z namenom pripraviti celostno objavo vsega dostopnega gradiva antropološko gradivo predstavljamo v ločenem poglavju (Leben Seljak).V zaključku knjige predstavljamo izsledke izkopavanj pri Bodeščah (Modrijan). Predstavitvi arheoloških izsledkov o Blejskem otoku sledi širok pregled fenomena mitične pokrajine, njene izvedbe v blejskem kotu ter umesti Blejski otok v njen kontekst (Pleterski). Napovedni model potrdi njen obstoj z izkopavanji v Bodeščah. V kontekstu mitične pokrajine se pokaže Blejski otok kot sveto mesto, na kterem so potekali vsakoletni obredi. Tam je bil grob mitičnega lika, ki ga v Sloveniji poznamo kot kralja Matjaž

    Simbolika tvarne kulture – lonček z BrezijThe Symbolism of Material Culture: Example of a Small Pot from Brezje

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    The author discusses in this contribution the symbolism of an Early Medieval pot from the Brezje above Zreče necropolis. The pot is exeptional due to the Greek cross impressed on the base. The impression correlates exactly with the cross-shaped brooch from Saint Lambert near Pristava. In one object, this small pot, the Slavic ritual – a small pot as an object of grave inventory - and the Vlach custom - a Christian symbol - are combined. Consequently, this is an example of the coalescence of the logic of real with the logic of abstract

    Lonci v opremi visokosrednjeveške kuhinje s kamniškega Malega gradu

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    This contribution deals with pottery as a source for chrono-logical evaluation and the reconstruction of certain kitchenware elements. The material is evaluated as regards its use and period. The former was dealt with by placing certain types of pottery into the context of the high and late medieval kitchen. Prispevek obravnava lončenino kot vir za kronološko oprede-ljevanje in rekonstrukcijo nekaterih elementov kuhinjske opreme. Gradivo je ovrednoteno kronološko in glede na namembnost. Pri slednjem gre za umeščanje posamičnih tipov lončenine v kontekst visokosrednjeveške in poznosrednjeveške kuhinj